Articles of Inspiration

Welcome To My Blog!

Welcome. My name is Alfred Stefan Guart, author of Beyond the Sphere. I’m so happy to have you as a visitor to my blog about my new book. This project is very special to me, and I hope to share some of that excitement with you here.

I’ll be using this blog to interact with you about Beyond the Sphere, expanding on some of the topics in it and blogging on some of the ideas related to my book. This is a great place for you to get to know me, and I’m looking forward to getting to know you, too. What did you think of Beyond the Sphere? What questions do you have for me? How do you relate to my book?

I’ll be returning here frequently with new posts and responses to feedback from you. Until next time, tell me a little bit about yourself.

The Self-Awareness Revolution

The Self-Awareness Revolution

Jesus ceded his final breaths to a phrase that haunts us to this day: “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.” Witnesses…

Parable of the Hummingbird and the Trumpet Creeper

Parable of the Hummingbird and the Trumpet Creeper

It was early Autumn when a Hummingbird entered a garden and hovered next to a Trumpet Creeper, drawn by her orange-red petals and intoxicated by…



The midday sky darkened and a fierce rain fell with such ferocity that drops bounced high after striking cars, the asphalt and cement. Massive clouds…



Winds blow without chartered course Hypnotically swaying naked branches Ears hear without discernment A song that wrote itself   Raindrops hurtle toward Earth As thunderheads…

The Emergence of Creative Awareness

The Emergence of Creative Awareness

      In 2006, comedian Robin Williams said this in an ABC News interview: “The thing that matters are others. Way beyond yourself. Self…

Your Attention Please

Your Attention Please

Millions watched in awe as he glided backwards on stage while his limbs made strides to move forward. He then suddenly spun one full turn,…

The Wordless God

The Wordless God

Mine is a wordless realm Some believe my home is silent But it is far from that My kingdom is awash in sound Hear my…

Beyond Conflict

Beyond Conflict

With the dawn of human consciousness came a unique and unnatural experience called inner conflict. For the first time creatures roamed the Earth free from…

Adam, Eve and the Eclipse of Original Awareness

Adam, Eve and the Eclipse of Original Awareness

“The state of pure consciousness without content, which might seem puzzling at first sight, is something that all contemplatives have experienced.” Matthieu Ricard The rich symbolism…

Beyond the Sphere Audiobook Released!

Beyond the Sphere Audiobook Released!

We’re excited to announce the release of the audiobook edition of Beyond the Sphere. For the first time, listeners can hear the author recount spiritual…

A Christmas Q and A with Jesus

A Christmas Q and A with Jesus

Born in a Bethlehem stable and placed in an animal feeding trough for want of a cradle, the story of Jesus’ birth is the stuff…

The Art of Spiritual Book Promotion

The Art of Spiritual Book Promotion

In keeping with the message of Beyond the Sphere, I rely on the Creator to help present the book on Divine visitation before the public eye.…

Song of the Acorns

Song of the Acorns

Oysters and clams are well guarded. Butterflies emerge from cocoons. Mother Earth shields herself from the harsh Sun with ether. Shall the spirit be denied…

Infinity at the Waterfall

Infinity at the Waterfall

Come. Stand beside me Behold, the shattering beauty Let it wash over us Wearing away the crust of civilization   Let fear grovel at our…

A Reporter’s Reflections on 9/11

A Reporter’s Reflections on 9/11

Twenty years ago today, I was an investigative reporter for the New York Post, living in Brooklyn and going through a typical Tuesday morning: getting up at…

Modern Spiritual Guidance

Modern Spiritual Guidance

After decades of self-reflection on the path of personal spiritual evolution, I understand the confusion over teachings many of us consume. Spiritual seekers struggle over…

Sample from our upcoming podcast: Is God Accessible to You?

Sample from our upcoming podcast: Is God Accessible to You?

We’re working to share more from Beyond the Sphere in a long form interview podcast. Interviewer Rick Sheill and I recorded this over several several hours and…

Beyond the Sphere Recognized as an Outstanding Book on Spirituality

Beyond the Sphere Recognized as an Outstanding Book on Spirituality

Judges for the National Indie Excellence Awards deemed Beyond the Sphere an outstanding book about spirituality. “…Finalists are determined on the basis of superior written matter coupled…

God of the Lilacs

God of the Lilacs

The sun was out and a warm spring breeze signaled winter’s drawing to a close. We walked along a quiet side street when the fragrance…

The Anonymity of Snow

The Anonymity of Snow

Snowflakes fell gently, seeming to descend from nowhere and vanish anonymously into the blanket waiting below. The slushy sound of passing cars in the distance,…

First Newspaper Interview

First Newspaper Interview

The Daily Gazette in Albany, New York is the first newspaper to publish a story about Beyond the Sphere! The piece appeared in the Books section of…

First live radio interview about Beyond the Sphere!

First live radio interview about Beyond the Sphere!

 Investigative reporter Taylor Sterling interviewed Al Guart about Divine Visitations and other topics for ten minutes on WTBQ on October 22, 2020.

Beyond the Sphere an International Book Awards Finalist!

Beyond the Sphere an International Book Awards Finalist!

We’re honored to report Beyond the Sphere was chosen by a panel of judges to be a finalist from among thousands of books entered by major publishers…

Lessons on Race from the Streets of Brooklyn

Lessons on Race from the Streets of Brooklyn

By Al Guart At the age of seven, in a moment of unexplained optimism, I strolled into the troubled Red Hook projects. It was 1965…

Spiritual Lives Matter

Spiritual Lives Matter

“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.” — Jalal al-Din Rumi Are we…

A Spiritual Examination of the Death of George Floyd

A Spiritual Examination of the Death of George Floyd

From a spiritual perspective, what’s deeply disturbing and clearly on display in Mr. Floyd’s death is man’s indifference to man. The police officer, Derek Chauvin,…

First Book Signing

First Book Signing

The first author signing for Beyond the Sphere will be held Sunday, May 24, 2020, from 3 pm to 5 pm at the Catskill Mountain Lodge…